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About African-American Migration Experience

African-American Migration Experience African-American Migration Experience In Motion: The African-American Migration Experience presents more than 16,500 pages of texts, 8,300 illustrations, and more than 60 maps.The Web site is organized around thirteen defining migrations that have formed and transformed African America and the nation. Each migration is presented through five units: About 100 illustrations, each with caption, and bibliographical, indexing, and ordering information. From twenty to forty research resources consisting of essays, books, book chapters, articles, and manuscripts. In addition, each migration has a bibliography (references) and a gateway of related Web sites. Migrations can be reached through "Browse by" Migrations, Geography or Timeline. Once a migration has been selected, users can either read the narrative and look at the images, or focus on images only by clicking on "View Image Gallery." From the drop-down menu, they can elect to see all the images, or only those associated with a particular part of the narrative. In the narrative, highlighted words take users to a glossary definition. The glossary can also be accessed through the Glossary box on the lower bar of each page. A "Search" function is accessible from all pages. It enables users to search through texts, illustrations, maps, lesson plans, and glossary for a particular keyword, or sentence. All books, book chapters, essays, articles, and manuscript are presented in their original form as well as in a searchable version.
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