Norwegian Council for Africa Norwegian Council for Africa The Norwegian Council for Africa is a solidarity organisation which sees dissemination of information as its most important tool in its contribution towards justice and development in and for Africa. The Norwegian Council for Africa seeks to promote a nuanced analysis that demonstates the positive aspects of the situation in Africa without ignoring existing hindrances and challenges. We want to present an alternative to simplistic presentations that either suggests na?ve solutions or hopelessly problematic situations. The Norwegian Council for Africa wants to challenge conditions and structures in Africa and globally which hinder the just and fair development in and for Africa. The Norwegian Council for Africa believes that the structures and mechanisms that hinder justice and development can be found both in global structures and within Africa itself. To achieve good Norwegian government policies for Africa, one needs to look beyond questions of aid and relief, and at political questions that currently are often defined as being outside the development arena. This means that we should also question how the Norwegian government acts with regards to its policies in the areas of commerce, foreign affairs, defence and industry. The Norwegian Council for Africa works towards these goals by producing the Africa News Update, The NCA Africa Blog Forum and by arranging seminars both locally and on the Internet. We produce written material both in print and on our website in both Norwegian and English. We work with various African partner organisations.