About Ngatha International
Ngatha International Ngatha International 1 - MISSION: NGATHA International is organized exclusively for CHARITABLE, EDUCATIONAL and SOCIO-ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT purposes. To this end, NGATHA International shall: Support and/or engage in activities that channel relief aid to the poor, the sick, the elderly, and especially women and children of under-served communities internationally. Support livelihood approaches through humanitarian assistance in promoting the social well-being by channeling financial support and aid for self sustenance in adversity. Facilitate cost effective project designs that alleviate poverty among marginalized groups or communities and conserve the existing grassroots organizations with similar programs and objectives. Support empowerment of poor communities through educational, socio-economic opportunities and assistance in strengthening community based organizations and user groups. Support technology and institutional initiatives which support universal literacy and access to information for the urban and rural poor. Promote/mobilize local and international support for solutions regarding educational, economic, environmental sustainability, social advancement and individual self-sufficiency. 2 - History: Ngatha International is truly a grass-roots organization. Our first children?s homestead and learning center recently opened in Kenya at the beginning of 2007. There are over 1 million orphans in Kenya due to HIV/Aids alone. In the general area of our children?s home, there are over 10,000 children who have lost their parents. It often weighs heavy on our hearts that our current homestead will only be able to offer 120 children a safe, nurturing place to live and learn. Our board of directors and volunteers are not paid for their time. Each of us is passionate about our work here. Board members pay all U.S. operational expenses out of their own pockets, (i.e. website hosting, photo processing, accounting fees, postage, telephone charges, etc.) We want to assure you that, with the exception of a small amount of fundraising costs, your contributions go directly to support the Ngatha International Children?s Homestead and Learning Center in Ngamini Village. Never imagine, even for a moment, that helping to change the life of ONE person is a futile endeavor. Indeed, it might be one of the few feasible solutions to abject povery in the world today.
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