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About National Ghana Parade Council

National Ghana Parade Council National Ghana Parade Council Mission: The mission of the National Ghana Parade Council is to promote and celebrate the diversity of Ghanaian Culture through the annual parade, empowering Ghanaians, and making positive contributions in our communities while developing and maintaining alliances with other African communities in the greater New York City Area. Who Is the National Ghana Parade Council? We are more than an organization that throws parades?.we're an organization that is invested in the Ghanaian community from culture, business, education, healthcare and more. We are engaged and conscious about the world around us and how Ghanaians are impacted as well as the strength of their influence. Everything about Ghana excites us and we culminate that excitement by showcasing all that is Ghana in our Annual parade. From our social groups, our Ghanaian professionals, schools, cultural organizations, entrepreneurs, Ghanaian media to our elected officials, entertainers, and celebrities we showcase how Ghanaians are intricately woven into the fabric of our society. Throughout the year NGPC members are engaged in social responsibility initiatives, where we donate time and resources to our community. We thank you for your continued support and ask that you continue to follow-us as we give back to the community, highlight the talent of Ghana, and continue our coalition building with our neighbors of Africa's beautiful kingdoms.
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