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About Medical Association of Nigerians Across Great Britain (MANSAG)

Medical Association of Nigerians Across Great Britain, MANSAG Medical Association of Nigerians Across Great Britain (MANSAG) Medical Association of Nigerians Across Great Britain (MANSAG), a UK registered charity, was established in 1997 exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes. Our recent projects have included the provision of medical books to Nigerian Universities as well as the donation of a truckload of medical equipment to primary care centres in Nigeria. Our scientific conferences are usually attended by over 200 Doctors, Health Service Professionals, Health Service Managers and Public Policy Makers from UK and Nigeria. Our Principal Objectives are: To promote the benefit of the public and in particular but not exclusively, Nigerian people living in the British Isles by associating together such people and the local authorities and other organizations in a common effort; To relieve poverty and sickness; To advance education; To provide facilities for recreation and other leisure-time occupation; And to carry out other charitable activities aimed at improving the conditions of life of the people.
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