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About MBA Depot

MBA Depot MBA Depot MBA Depot is focused on - and marketed to - MBAs. But, most of the content found on the site is of great value to anyone who is interested in the education that an MBA represents. Thus, all visitors are welcome! The primary goal of this site is to cut through the clutter of the Internet and tame information overload by bringing you the noteworthy, not the noise. I read a great many online information sources (magazines, blogs, consultancy research, etc.) and post annotated links to the best of them. On this site you will find mostly annotated links but also a fair amount of original and member/partner contributed content. Typical material includes: articles, market research, recommended books, business graphics/images, thought leader interviews, career information, business related quotations, etc. You will also find forums, partner content for prospective MBAs, interactive polls, an expert center where you can post questions, and more. I guarantee there is something of interest for you here.
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