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About Latvian National Federation in Canada / Federation nationale Lettonne au Canada / Latvieu Nacion

Latvian National Federation in Canada Latvian National Federation in Canada / Federation nationale Lettonne au Canada / Latvieu Nacion Latvian National Federation in Canada / F?d?ration nationale Lettonne au Canada / Latvie?u Nacion?l? Apvien?ba Kanad? (LNFC) is the central organization for all Latvians across Canada. The Federation represents Latvian interests at city, provincial and federal levels, maintains contact with other Canadian NGO's, and involves itself in projects both in Canada and Latvia. When non-Latvians want to speak to us, they often do so through the LNFC (LNAK). All of the regular activities of the federation are managed by an executive board consisting of eleven members. The members are elected annually by a general assembly. The assembly consists of forty elected members and up to an additional forty appointees.
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