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About International Capoeira Angola Foundation (ICAF)

International Capoeira Angola Foundation Baltimore, ICAF Baltimore, ICAF International Capoeira Angola Foundation (ICAF) The International Capoeira Angola Foundation (ICAF) was founded in 1996, under the leadership of three mestres (masters), Mestre Cobra Mansa, Mestre Jurandir Nascimento and Mestre Valmir Damasceno, with a mission to maintain, promote and preserve the art and culture of Capoeira Angola. Dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of Capoeira Angola, the foundation established a documentation and audiovisual center that maintains an extensive archive research library pertaining to Capoeira Angola, and other related African diaspora studies. In addition, as part of its mission ICAF assists in the development of affiliate groups in Brazil and throughout the world. ICAF-Chicago was established in 1998 under the guidance and leadership of Contramestre Beto de Freitas . For over a decade, ICAF-Chicago has been active in the community, partnering with diverse organizations to help develop and sharpen both mental and physical awareness and potential of its participants. By 2002, we moved to our current home located in the Humboldt Park neighborhood, establishing a community center called the Quilombo Cultural Center. This center is also home to the Juntong MooSool Hapkido school and the Brazilian percussion group, Unidos do Quilombo. ICAF-CHICAGO MISSION: To train, preserve and disseminate Capoeira Angola according to the traditions of the ICAF lineage. To provide a resource for members of under-served communities and neighborhoods in Chicago and the surrounding area. To positively contribute to social transformation and progress.
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