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About Indian Society of Western Australia (ISWA)

Indian Society of Western Australia, ISWA Indian Society of Western Australia (ISWA) Indian Society of WA (ISWA) is a non-profit incorporated in 1972. ISWA membership is open to all interested in the objectives of the society.The Indian Society of WA's objectives are to foster the participation of Indian ethnic communities in the development of a cohesive, culturally pluralistic society bearing in mind their historical evolution and contribution to the same.To stimulate and promote interest and appreciation of Indian culture in its widest sense. To assist, encourage, participate and initiate those activities, which promote the welfare, social, cultural and educational aspects of Australian Indians.To promote joint action and cooperation between Indian ethnic communities on issues of common concern.To cooperate and/or affiliate with any other association in Australia or elsewhere sharing the principals enshrined in theses objects.To undertake such other activities as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.
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