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About, ICAfrica ICAfrica is a registered Canadian poverty alleviation charity whose mission is to improve the income and well-being of poor families through micro-finance and business coaching by assisting, principally, women micro-entrepreneurs and small farmers to develop their revenue-generating businesses and becoming financially self-sufficient. ICAfrica is currently operated entirely by volunteers, keeping administration costs low and maximizing the potential of each dollar raised. With continued support from donors, we will continue to pursue our vision of encouraging individuals in poor regions to leverage their talents and capacities , maximize their economic growth potentials and move their families and their communities out of extreme poverty. Mission: To help relieve extreme poverty of individuals by providing them with sustainable growth assistance through economic development and jobs creation. Vision: We are working to help generate sustained economic growth and jobs in the poorest regions of Africa and the world, in support of the United Nation?s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of reducing by 50%, the number of people living below the poverty line by 2015.
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager