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About Heal Canada

Heal Canada Heal Canada Based in West Vancouver, BC, HEAL is a grassroots organization that partners with local and African NGOs with whom we have established strong and trusted relationships. Together, we work to empower women, children and their communities through initiatives in Health, Education, community Action and Leadership development. We have been active in humanitarian causes for many years. Our desire to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable people in Africa banded us together, and in 2010 we were officially registered as the charitable organization HEALCanada. Our travels to Africa have enabled us to establish strong and trusted relationships with people and organizations working on the ground. With their help we can identify the most pressing needs in the most vulnerable areas. Our aim is to recognize existing strengths in vulnerable communities using ?appreciative inquiry? and then use an integrated project concept of ?Provision, Prevention and ProAction? to develop effective strategies that make a sustainable impact and a real and lasting difference.
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager