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About Heal Africa

Heal Africa Heal Africa Founded over a decade ago during the peak of the conflict by Congolese orthopedic surgeon Jo Lusi ?and his social activist wife Lyn, the US organization HEAL Africa is a direct response to these horrific conditions. HEAL Africa partners proactively with communities in DR Congo to transform the status of women and bring village life back into balance. Through support of a full-service training hospital in Goma and its community-based initiatives in public health, community development, and conflict resolution, HEAL Africa works with individuals and communities to restore health, build hope, and help create a better future for all people of the DR Congo. Today HEAL Africa helps support a Congolese staff of 28 doctors, 54 nurses, 340+ community development advocates and educators, a small administrative team, and hundreds of Congolese volunteers.
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager