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About Hakka Association of Western Australia

Hakka Association of Western Australia Hakka Association of Western Australia 1 - The Hakka Association of Western Australia Inc. (HakkaWA) was registered on 9 June 2009, Registered Number A1014277M, with the objectives to promote the cross pollination of the Chinese (especially Hakka) and the Australian cultural and economic activities, and to bring together the Hakka people and their relatives and friends, and those interested in the Hakka language and culture, to encourage and foster the Hakka language, culture, customs, values and way of life and in this way to contribute to and enrich the Australian cultural life. 2 - The Hakkas are a unique subgroup of the Han Chinese which constitutes about 92% of the population of the People?s Republic of China, and there are an estimated 80 million Hakkas spread worldwide. Indeed it was said that ?where there are Chinese there are Hakkas?. 3 - The Hakkas are thought to be one of the earliest ?Han? settlers in China. Hakka people have also married other ethnic groups and adopted their cultures during the long migration history of 2000 years. Due to the infusion of other ethnic groups from the northwest, north and northeast, these original settlers gradually migrated south and settled in Jiangxi, Fujian, and Guangdong. They were called Hakka by the locals when they first settled in. 4 - Since then the term ?Hakka? has been used by both the non-Hakka and Hakka speaking people, and in international publications. The spelling ?Hakka? is derived from the pronunciation in the Hakka dialect (pronounced as ?haagga? in Hakka and ?kejia? in Mandarin).
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