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About Gambians In Finland Association / Suomi-Gambia Yhdistys

Gambians In Finland Association, Suomi-Gambia Yhdistys Gambians In Finland Association / Suomi-Gambia Yhdistys Suomi-Gambia Yhdistys is an association of Gambians in Finland. It was registered in 1994 with a domicile in Helsinki, Finland. The primary aims of the association include fostering unity, cooperation and provision of practical help and support for Gambians living Finland. The association gives assistance and counselling to its members on integration into the Finnish society. Our membership comprises of Gambians living in Finland and other interested persons of The Gambia. Membership is open to anyone as long as the person shares similar views and opinions and ready to respect the constitution in place. We ask for a yearly subscription fee of ten Euros from our members. We issue membership card to all members which is valid for twelve months and renewable upon paying the subscription fee.
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