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About Ethnic Schools Association of Victoria (ESAV)

Ethnic Schools Association of Victoria, ESAV Ethnic Schools Association of Victoria (ESAV) Ethnic Schools Association of Victoria (ESAV) represents over 200 community languages schools in Victoria Community Languages Schools provide quality languages educational and cultural maintenance programs to over ? 34,000 students -(100,000 students nationally) a in a range of 55 languages in Victoria They are complementary providers of language education in mainstream schools. Mainstream schools, community languages school and the Saturday School of Languages provide Victoria with a very important asset. This asset is transferred into all walks of life and benefits all Australians. THE ESAV Strives to promote languages education through community languages program; Represents community languages schools on Government Boards and committees such as MACLEM Advocates on behalf of community languages schools in Victoria; Coordinates their activity and works closely with the MACLEM ? DE&T to ensure schools provide quality programs which are aligned with curriculum and standards frameworks
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