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About Estonian Educational Society of Detroit “Kodu”

Estonian Educational Society of Detroit, KDetroidi Eesti Haridusselts “Kodu” Estonian Educational Society of Detroit “Kodu” Oldest of the three active Estonian organizations in the Detroit area is Estonian Educational Society of Detroit Kodu. This organization was founded on October 17, 1926 by twenty five local Estonians. The goal is to preserve Estonian native culture and language. Asustatud 17. oktoobril 1926 kahekümne viie asutaja (vana-eestlaste) poolt, sihiga koondada eestlasi siin uuel kodumaal ja hoida alal eestlust ning viljeleda eesti kultuuri. US Flag Oldest of the three active Estonian organizations in the Detroit area is Estonian Educational Society of Detroit “Kodu”. This organization was founded on October 17, 1926 by twenty five local Estonians. The goal is to preserve Estonian native culture and language.
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