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About African and Caribbean News Across Canada

African and Caribbean News Across Canada African and Caribbean News Across Canada Caribbean Union of Canada Inc. is a Federal Not for Profit Umbrella Organization designed to encompass a network of regional chapters that serve as systemic resources to enable Caribbean Entities and People to build and sustain community development. These Chapters are comprised of city organizations that act as infrastructures to support Caribbean communities all across the regions of Canada. Structurally, the Caribbean Union of Canada is comprised of Community Chapters branching outward to build multiple Organizations across Canada?s cities, creating resources in the designated city for Caribbean and African people. In the structure Caribbean Union of Canada and the National Chapters are network organization(s) for Caribbean Associations, Organizations, Institutions Foundations, Caribbean Businesses, and Caribbean People to create all kinds of transactions, culture, knowledge, history and financial gain under one umbrella thus therefore creating a Caribbean unified economic base. This Organization will create the unity we need, for us to move together forward into the future.
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