By Dr. Roland Holou | on 21 August 2019
Because they better know the context of their home countries than the foreigners, the global diaspora must play a key role in helping their country of origin to alleviate some of their educational problems.Without a doubt, the potential of many educated people of most developing countries is not being well used abroad, while their native countries are neither crafting strategies to harvest that potential for their benefit.
Nations develop themselves because of the research, innovation, invention, and creativity of their people. Consequently, the poverty of certain nations can be linked to the education of their citizens. For instance, the gap of knowledge and development between universities in developed countriesand those in developing countries is very huge because of the quality of their research, the environment, and the lack of resources. Even within any country, significant differences are found between the services provided at different educational institutions.
If the developing countries must invest in their research institutions to reach the level of the research being done in certain developed countries, they must allocate a significant amount of their national budget. Unfortunately, due to their economy, most developing countries cannot afford that kind of spending. To resolve some of the challenging problems affecting education today, collaborative efforts must be strategically made. For instance, many governmental and private institutions are increasingly requiring universities to collaborate regionally or worldwide before winning certain grants and fellowships. While the under-developed educational institutions have several collaboration opportunities, they lack the information to find the right collaborators. Similarly, numerous institutions in developed countries can provide their expertise to others, but the connection is missing. When brain drain is added to the equation, the solution is more difficult for the countries that are negatively affected.
Because they better know the context of their home countries than the foreigners, the global diaspora must play a key role in helping their country of origin to alleviate some of their educational problems.Without a doubt, the potential of many educated people of most developing countries is not being well used abroad, while their native countries are neither crafting strategies to harvest that potential for their benefit. As an example, someone who obtained a doctorate in the USA or in the UK, is likely to have some advanced technological knowledge and tools than someone who got the same degree in Africa or in other third world countries. Usually, most of the top scientists from the developing countries that are trained abroad do not want to return back to their native countries to use their skills and knowledge to advance their people and their nations. While many developing countries are begging their brains to return home to build their nations, several developed countries where those brains live are also forging much more powerful strategies to encourage brain drain. Knowing that it is very difficult, even sometimes impossible, to force people to move to a new place, including going abroad or returning back home, a new type of strategy is very much needed to solve the educational problems of the global diaspora in a sustainable way. Many institutions are trying to tackle this issue, but most of them appear to be advancing agendas that conflict with the real solution! Global and unselfish efforts that are not solely based on monetary transactions are much needed to fully help the international immigrants to properly develop themselves and in return help their country of origin to improve their scholastic services.
DiasporaEngager is addressing this complex challenge related to the international diaspora engagement in education, research, development and much more. To overcome this international challenge, DiasporaEngager does not focus only of higher education, but on many levels of education (post graduate, graduate, undergraduate, high school, place of apprenticeship, vocational education, etc.) where knowledge is dispensed. DiasporaEngager is a global network platform that links educational and research institutions to educational needs and opportunities related to: collaboration, consultation or consulting, economic development, employment, endowment, extension, grant, library services, outreach, philanthropy, research partnership, pen pal, study abroad, student exchange, teaching, tourism, and partnership, etc.
DiasporaEngager helps establish and strengthen collaboration between laboratories and research centers in developing and developed countries in order to solve professional needs. DiasporaEngager facilitates networking between universities across the globe so that they use advanced technologies to innovate, create, and invent while addressing the crucial research and development problems. This global platform allows students, staff, and faculty to easily find peers and schools that have opportunities matching their educational interests or needs and vice versa. DiasporaEngager is a global channel through which people and resources can be transferred between educational institutions according to the institutions developmental gap.
The international diaspora and the people and organizations in their country of origin and in their country of residence can use this platform to quickly inform each other about the path and means to get a better education to improve lives and develop nations. By doing so, DiasporaEngager acts as a liaison between the global diaspora and their home countries to transfer resources required to develop or reform their educational system and a whole lot more.
All it takes so start using that global platform is to create a free account at The registration and the use of the platform are free. If you are already a user of DiasporaEngager, please log into your account today and post your needs/offers related to education or anything else so that others can find and respond to them. As of today, people and organizations from more than 80 countries are already using that platform. Why not register today and see what is awaiting you! Together with their diasporas, each country can better handle their educational and developmental problems while fully engaging with the complex problems of their international diaspora associations and people.
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