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OMDCnet®, a service of Global Culture, L.L.C., is a global trade and international business information portal and worldwide member community.
OMDCnet®'s intended core audience is executives at manufacturing companies, import firms, distributors, sales agencies, and global retailers involved with or contemplating international trade. Export trading firms and sourcing agents also makeup important segments of our target visitor profile.
In addition, accounting firms, bankers, freight forwarders, embassies and consulates, trade associations, government trade organizations, trade promotion offices, law firms, insurance companies, and the myriad of other trade-related service providers that facilitate the business of international trade, are also welcome and invited to participate in community interaction.
We are committed to providing the tools and unlocking the knowledge that will help small- and mid-size companies build successful global alliances. Our goal is to make global expansion understandable, attainable, and profitable, even for the smallest firm. The emphasis will be on branded merchandise and unique products. OMDCnet®'s focus is on helping the community develop long-term business relationships between manufacturers, importers, distributors, global retailers, sales representatives, licensees, and prospective joint venture partners. Commodity and spot traders are not our intended audience, since numerous online forums and trading rooms already exist for such businesses.
The OMDCnet® portal has multiple levels of access-some free and others fee-based. Fee-based levels will offer access to more content, filtered searches, additional value-added features and benefits, discounts to our products and services, and more.
Any websites that are visited from a link on this site are not controlled by OMDCnet®, so you may encounter ads on other websites that you reach from our portal. Our objective is to create a trade information site clear of clutter that can be a source of timely intelligence for companies that are looking to develop and expand their international business.
With the expansion and acceptance of the internet in remote regions of the world, new opportunities exist for companies in markets that were previously too far afield and expensive to develop. We plan to bring those opportunities, as well as those in more developed markets, to your desktop through pre-qualification of companies and evaluation and rating of product and service providers from those regions.