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The association was established in 2008 purposely to unite Lofians originally from Liberia who are settled in South Australia. The association also facilitate the process of integration and help to resolve issues arising among members from the Liberian community who come from Lofa. As of the 2008 Census, Lofa had a population of 270114, making it the fourth most populous county in Liberia
Working Groups
United Liberian Women's Group
The United Liberian Women Group of South Australia was established in March 2007. The main objective of the women group is to empower our women by building their capacities, self-esteem and sense of belonging. The group creates an environment to eliminate social isolation, adjust to the Australian way of life and laws, and provides opportunities for employment and career path for Liberian women.
For further information please contact Zinnah Sheriff on 04 0256 5484.
Liberian Youth Group
The Liberian Youth Group was founded in April 2005 for the purpose of bringing young people together and creating an environment where they can discuss issues affecting youth within the Liberian community. The youth group meets every Saturdays at Enfield Community Centre at 4 PM. We want to reduce youth idleness, find means of empowering the youth and increase youth participation in community development.
For more information please contact Joe Taye on 0432628731.
BADENYA Association of South Australia
The Badenya Association of South Australia was established in early 2005. Primary objective of the association is to preserve and teach the culture of it members onto their children.
For more information contact Abu Fofana President of Badenya on 0432383504
AKASA-All Krahn Association of South Australia
AKASA was formed in early 2009 to promote the culture of people from Grand Gedeh, one of the 15 counties in Liberia. According to 2008 cencus, Grand Gedeh had a total population of 126146, making it the ninth most populous county in Liberia
Please contact Eddie Bayee, President, on 04 2159 6958 for more information.
IGWEA Group of Australia
Intellectual Gentlemen Working Excellently for Achivements, IGWEA Group of Australia was established in August 2005 by a handful of young Liberian men to help young men of any background especially within the area of Discipline, Unity and Education. IGWEA Group of Australia has since been working hands in gloves with the mainstream community. The group has branches both intra and interstates that link positively with all African communities for the improvement of various communities activities mainly within the area of education. The IGWEA Group of Australia Leadership can be reached on 1300 763 979 or e-mail them at [email protected] website:
LIMSA- Liberian Men of South Australia
The Liberian Men of South Australia was established in November 2009 after series of conversations surrounding the need for Liberian men to come together. The group has provided the opportunity for Liberian men to discuss issues affecting their settlement in Australia, families and the Liberian community as a whole.
For more information contact Joseph Kormah, President of LIMSA on 0423915976
Liberian Soccer Team
The establishment of the Liberian soccer team can be traced back to early 2002 when Liberian first arrived to South Australia. We will forever remember the late Francis Massaquoi one of the veteran founder of the Liberian Soccer team for his tireless efforts.
Soccer being a tradition game of the nation provides the opportunity for socialisation and physical activity amongst young men and women within the community. Today the team has grown to a bigger number and has had many successes among South Australian New and Immerging Communities.
To join the Liberian soccer team contact Siaffa Massaquoi, team manager on 0423 266 914.
Liberian Kickball Team
Kickball has been a traditional sport in Liberia since early days. The sport is targeted and popular among females in school competition in Liberia. The Liberian community kickball team was founded in 2004 through a collaborative effort from teenage girls who were in desperate need to socialise during the weekend. The kickball team is has become a perfect deterrent for our girls from many anti-social behaviours and also a prime activity which enable them to participate in physical activity in the community.
In 2009 the LICOSA kickball came 2nd Winner behind Perth at the national Liberian kickball tournament held in Sydney during July 26 celebrations.
To join the kickball team contact Tomcelia Bryant, Captain, on 0413 089 227
Lofa County Association of South Australia
The association was established in 2008 purposely to unite Lofians originally from Liberia who are settled in South Australia. The association also facilitate the process of integration and help to resolve issues arising among members from the Liberian community who come from Lofa. As of the 2008 Census, Lofa had a population of 270114, making it the fourth most populous county in Liberia.
For more information please contact Mr. John Workolo, President, on 0413 810 637. |