    1. What Brain Drain Problems Are We Trying To Solve?
    2. How May We Help You to Solve a brain drain problem?
    3. Who Uses the Services of the Brain Drain Platform
    4. Our Mission and Objectives of DiasporaEngager

1. The brain drain problems we are trying to solve

Brain drain in the migration of the most educated people and asylum seekers from one country to another. The migration of educated people has been worsening in developing countries in a way that the brain drain is seen as one of the greatest threats against their development. Moreover, some developed countries are elaborating policies and immigration laws that encourage foreign talented graduate students to come into those countries or to maintain them in the host countries after their graduation, a way to try to solve the manpower problem of those host countries. So far, the efforts to stop brain drain have been unsuccessful in most affected countries. Simultaneously, it is impossible to force people to stay in their home countries because doing so may violate their freedom of decision and restrict their creativity and productivity. While some immigrants succeed, others do not. Usually, because of a lack of information or right connections or knowledge, several immigrants do not produce the best of themselves. At the same time, those who succeed do not often collaborate or network with the newly arriving immigrants or those who are not succeeding. Some new aliens would like to find some close and successful immigrants to mentor, but they don’t know where to find them. Many nations have used various ways to stop the brain drain, but in general, most attempts failed.


Knowing that it is impossible to stop the brain drain, every Diaspora and her country of origin or country of residence will be better off if they can cooperate to find a solution to their problems. This platform will allow each country to partner with its Diaspora to define strategies that can help control brain drain.

If this looks like what you are looking for, click here to register a free account right now.

Do you have any need in the area of:

  • Brain drain causes and consequences
  • Asylum seekers
  • Brain drain advantages
  • Brain drain in developing countries
  • Brain drain economics
  • Brain drain statistics
  • International brain drain
  • Global brain drain
  • Brain drain in America
  • Brain drain in Europe
  • Asian brain drain
  • Reverse brain drain
  • Brain drain assistance
  • Brain drain problems
  • Brain drain solutions
  • Brain gain
  • Brain gain network
  • Brain gain recruiting, or
  • Brain drain of skilled workers?

If so, you are at the right place.

2. How the Brain Drain Platform will help you?

  • To help alleviate the negative impact of rain drain, DiasporaEngager is committed to creating a global setting that allow asylum seekers, immigrants, people to develop themselves and their relatives who are living close or far away in a foreign land.
  • We are committed to helping every Diaspora to find the resources s/he needs to succeed in order to help others.
  • DiasporaEngager encourages the Diasporas to list and make themselves more searchable and accessible to those from their host and home countries and vice versa.
  • DiasporaEngager helps each country to better know who and where its Diasporas are. We also encourage each country to better know the foreigners it is hosting.
  • We exhort all the Diasporas to collaborate with their countries of origin or ancestry to assist in alleviating the negative impact of brain drain.
  • We restore the connections, improve communication and the working relationships among the members of each Diaspora and their country of birth or current country of residence.
  • Our service offer the Diaspora communities a diverse range of strategies to better organize themselves abroad to help each other while living in the host country.
  • DiasporaEngager informs Asylum Seekers and Diaspora groups about existing opportunities in their host and native countries and vice versa.
  • DiasporaEngager allows each host country to better understand the potential and opportunities of the Diasporas it is hosting.
  • We serve as a channel between the Diasporas and their country of birth to harness as well as to transfer any opportunities and underutilized resources toward the places of need.
  • We provide Diaspora associations with the tool they need to influence the decision making in their home while being more efficient and productive in their host countries.
  • We ease the integration of new Diasporas into the host country.
  • We help the Diasporas to better enlighten their countries with new technologies and cutting edge sciences.
  • DiasporaEngager assists all Diasporas and their home countries to create and understand their path to success.
  • We will grant you free Access to our Resources pages to learn how you can completely change those problems you are having into solutions and opportunities for yourself and even for others.
  • We will help you find the people (e.g. Diaspora members), organizations, and opportunities you need more easily wherever they are.
  • DiasporaEngager will help you connect to individuals and organizations in your areas of need or interest, and according to your country of origin, country of residence, or country of choice, and much more.
  • We allow you to use our platform to post your needs so other can see it and help you.
  • DiasporaEngager immediately makes available the needs and offers you post to individuals and organizations interested in them worldwide. 
  • The needs you post will be displayed: (1) on your profile, (2) in search results, (3) in our Needs/Offer Directory, and (4) sometimes in the periodic emails we send to customers that match your requirements.
  • You simply post your needs or offers and we take it from there. We will do our best to actively market your postings to relevant matches in order to help you.
  • We use advanced search engine optimization techniques to ensure the needs and offers you post can be easily searched and found.
  • If you opt in to receive our newsletter, we will send you periodic newsletters/resources to inform you about opportunities that may interest you.
  • We will grant you access to other pages that will help you address your problems.
  • We will connect you to opportunities in your country of origin and your country of residence according to your needs or offers.
  • If you choose to use any of our services, we are here to help you as much as we can anytime.
  • And much more we will share with you after you register.


If this looks like what you are looking for, click here to register a free account right now. Or if you want to see what you need to do to start benefiting from our services, please go to the next paragraph.

If you are interested in receiving free updates and opportunities about the global diasporaplease click here to subscribe to our newsletter for free now!

If this does not interest you, please click here to see learn about other services we provide.

3. Who Uses Our Services

The African Diaspora Platform helps Africans, the African Immigrants, and the people in their home country to easily find and engage with the African diaspora associations and opportunities related to them across the globe. On this platform, you can also network with other diaspora associations around the world that can help you.
Although the original platform was based on the global Diaspora’ needs, our services are tailored to be used by anyone to engage with people, organizations, and entities such as: 

4. Mission and Objectives of the Brain Drain Site

    This platform belong to DiasporaEngager which is the world’s #1 global diaspora engagement social media and platform that connects the African Diasporas to each other and to opportunities with governments, nonprofits, businesses, laboratories, international institutions, schools, and research institutions. DiasporaEngager allows the African Diasporas and organizations to provide effective working, networking, and development strategies in Africa as well as in their current country of residence in order to detect, harvest, and transfer resources, services, and opportunities between people and nations in a win-win framework.

    DiasporaEngager is a developmental platform that goes beyond friendship and networking, by creating an advanced environment or pipeline where African Diasporas from anywhere can interact among themselves and with people from Africa, and their host countries to harness, exchange, and transfer opportunities to bridge developmental gaps between Africa and the African Diaspora according to their needs and means. This platform helps the African Union to finally find and engage with its diaspora.

    DiasporaEngager helps the Africans to develop themselves and those who are dear to them in addition to those living close or far away in a foreign land by:
  • Building skills databases for the Africans living in the Diaspora and encouraging them to list and make themselves more searchable and accessible to those from their host and in Africa and vice versa.
  • Helping each African country to better know who and where its Diasporas are, in addition to knowing more about the foreigners it is hosting.
  • Encouraging all the African Diasporas to collaborate with their countries of origin or ancestry to assist in alleviating the negative impact of brain drain.
  • Restoring the connection, improving communication and the working relationships among the members of each Diaspora and Africa.
  • Offering the African Diaspora and asylum seekers a diverse range of services to better organize themselves abroad to help each other while living in their host country.
  • Facilitating the creation of professional networks among the African Diaspora and any countries.
  • Informing the African Diaspora about existing opportunities in their host and native countries and vice versa.
  • Allowing each host country to better understand the potential and opportunities of the African Diaspora it is hosting.
  • Serving as a channel between the African Diasporas and their country of birth to harness as well as to transfer any opportunities and underutilized resources toward the places of need.
  • Assisting African Diaspora/Immigrants to quickly explore, discover, and invest in new opportunities around the globe.
  • Providing the African Diasporas with the tool they need to influence the decision making in Africa while being more efficient and productive in their host countries.
  • Easing the integration of new African immigrants into their host country.
  • Allowing the African Diaspora to better enlighten their countries with new technologies and cutting edge sciences.
  • Helping the African Diaspora and their respective home countries to create and understand their path to success.
  • And much more.
  • All it takes to start using the platform is to register a free account. To register, please follow this link: https://DiasporaEngager.com/miniRegister.

Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager